ভারতীয় দর্শনের গত হাজার বছর

নালান্দা থেকে ঔপনিবেশিক বাঙলা- জ্ঞানভূবনের ভাঙাগড়া

This book is on the history of Indian Philosophy of the last 1000 years starting from the decline of Buddhist Monastic centers for learning like Nalanda, Bikramshila, Odontpuri during the end of 12th century. This Book is an account of my extensive travel through different places of North and South Bihar - the ancient hub of learning where most of the Indian philosophical traditions like Sankhya, Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism and other radical atheist schools developed .

Author: Debajyoti Gangopadhya

Publisher: Joydhak Prokashan, Kolkata